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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Increased Activity at CCF Namibia

The past week and the ensuing one are a very busy time for the CCF staff in Namibia.  Firstly, during the latter half of May many student interns and a string of consecutive Earth Watch volunteer groups will descend upon CCF.  Preparations are currently being made to accommodate the influx in new cheetah supporters.  And this increase couldn't happen at a better time.  Apparently, the memorable rainy season of 2011 has finally come to an end.  At least we think it has since there has been no appreciable precipitation for over a week.
Secondly, there have been a number of cheetah movements here at CCF.  Several cheetahs have been relocated for a number of reasons.  Specifically, some have been moved recently for:  fence repair; aged cats with unique personalities have been segregated; some have been segregated for health reasons; and some have been transferred to closer facilities at the Eland camp.  A smaller number of cheetahs remain at Bellebeno.  Many of them are eligible for release back into the wild and so will remain there until Dr Marker and her CCF staff have the opportunity to evaluate their current status, health and their suitability for re-entry to the wild.  Re-entry is always a goal for CCF whenever the potential may be at hand.  This is an important decision and the cheetah's chances for sustained survival is of utmost concern.  We will stand by anxiously awaiting any decisions on which cheetahs might be released in the future.  Bear in mind though, that no cheetah will be released here or elsewhere until all agree that it's safety will not be at risk and it's ability to fend for itself in the wild is highly favorable.  Look for any news on possible releases in future postings.
Until next,
from Cheetah Land,
Ron Marks  

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